Journal / Women's Health Initiative

1% Philanthropy for Women

Dr. Green

Medically reviewed by Dr. Green OB/GYN

Written by Winona Editorial Team

Last updated April 01, 2022

1% Philanthropy for Women

1% For Women

We believe in corporate social responsibility, so we have a purpose bigger than profits. We proudly donate 1% of all sales to programs that support women around the globe.

By purchasing Winona products for menopause treatment, you can feel confident that 1% of gross sales each year will be donated to our approved nonprofit partners that focus on improving the lives of women worldwide. 

It’s women like you who are conscious of the struggles that women face worldwide, and the importance of supporting one another.


“When women support each other, incredible things happen.” Donating 1% of our proceeds to women’s causes is central to the Winona mission. When we started Winona, we had the option of giving all donations to a single charity, or smaller amounts to multiple charities. We chose the latter knowing from experience that the most pressing issues in our global women’s community will shift, and new opportunities to improve women’s lives will arise.

Prescription menopause relief. Delivered.

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Prescription menopause relief. Delivered.

We fundamentally care about the women we’re helping. By donating to women’s foundations and funds, we are demonstrating the importance of these organizations in creating positive change for the broader community by investing in women and girls.  When choosing which nonprofit to donate to, we focus on our mission and how likely we think it is that they will be able to accomplish that mission. Because of you, we are able to aid the global community of women.  Thank you. 

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